Men's Navy Gingham Double Breasted Blazer, White Vertical Striped Dress Shirt, Burgundy Polka Dot Silk Tie, Burgundy Polka Dot Silk Pocket Square

Men's Navy Gingham Double Breasted Blazer, White Vertical Striped Dress Shirt, Burgundy Polka Dot Silk Tie, Burgundy Polka Dot Silk Pocket Square

The wardrobe of any discerning gent should always include such staples as a navy gingham double breasted blazer and a white vertical striped dress shirt.

Navy Gingham Double Breasted Blazer Navy Gingham Double Breasted Blazer White Vertical Striped Dress Shirt White Vertical Striped Dress Shirt Burgundy Polka Dot Silk Tie Burgundy Polka Dot Silk Tie Burgundy Polka Dot Silk Pocket Square Burgundy Polka Dot Silk Pocket Square

White Vertical Striped Dress Shirt Shirt Outfits For Men Dress Shirt Outfits For Men

We love how this pairing of a navy gingham double breasted blazer and a white vertical striped dress shirt immediately makes any gentleman look polished and smart.

Burgundy Polka Dot Silk Tie Tie Outfits For Men